About Us
We aim to uplift communities by aiding low-income families and individuals to attain self-sufficiency. Providing direct services and collaborating with partners, we strive to reduce poverty and create opportunities.
We aim to uplift communities by aiding low-income families and individuals to attain self-sufficiency. Providing direct services and collaborating with partners, we strive to reduce poverty and create opportunities.
Welcome to the official website of Kentucky River Foothills Development Council, Inc., affectionately known as Foothills. Established in 1962, Foothills is the primary provider of essential social services in Clark, Estill, Madison, and Powell counties. We became a community action agency in 1964.
We strive to empower individuals and families in our communities, helping them achieve self-sufficiency and improve their quality of life.
Mission Statement
Foothills improves its communities by assisting low-income families and individuals to achieve self-sufficiency by providing direct services and working with partnering organizations to develop additional resources to reduce poverty and create opportunities for those in need.
Vision Statement
In a truly strong community, no family is expendable. Foothills believes that communities must work together – in partnership – to enable all persons to live with dignity, responsibility and opportunity. To support this vision, Foothills offers a myriad of services that promote stability and independence throughout the life cycle. Foothills is Social Service Agency, providing services focused on improving individual’s general well-being.
Annual Report of Services
This report aims to provide our partners, donors, and interested individuals with insights into the organization’s initiatives and financial performance over the past year. Read through these pages and learn how Foothills truly makes a difference by helping people and changing lives.
Community Needs Assessment
Our Community Needs Assessment Report provides an in-depth look at the key challenges facing our community, based on input from local residents and organizations. It helps us identify priority areas such as housing, healthcare, and employment, ensuring that our programs and resources are aligned with the most pressing needs of those we serve.
Financial Audit
Ensuring transparency in our financial operations is a fundamental commitment of our executive staff at Foothills. In alignment with federal funding requirements, our agency undergoes an annual financial audit conducted by an external CPA firm. This audit serves as a comprehensive review of our financial condition and operations, providing valuable insights into our commitment to accountability and sound financial practices.
Our Strategic Plan is our compass, directing all organizational service efforts to achieve tangible and meaningful outcomes in the lives of families and individuals. While our vision includes providing safety nets for crisis intervention and emergency services, we are equally committed to offering a diverse range of services. These services aim to identify barriers, teach effective ways to overcome negative factors, and shift focus on new opportunities.
Comprising five goals and strategies, our Strategic Plan is designed to make a positive impact on people’s lives. We prioritize objectives that respond to the needs of those in our target area. Derived from extensive research, client needs assessment surveys, and key informant interviews, this plan reflects our dedication to understanding and addressing community needs. However, recognizing the dynamic nature of circumstances and funding availability, we review and update this plan annually to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.
2024-2026 Strategic Plan Goals
Empowering Employment and Self-Sufficiency
Promoting Community Health and Health Education
Combatting Homelessness and Fostering Safe and Affordable Housing
Addressing the Opioid Epidemic and Substance Use Disorders
Strengthening Agency Capabilities to Fulfill the Mission
The proposed budget for expenditures in Fiscal Year 2024-2025 is:
Grant Revenue: $14,111,480
Interest Revenue: $132,000
Management Fees and Other Revenues: $5,325,832
Total Revenues: $19,569,312
Personnel Costs: $6,521,663
Fringe Costs: $3,111,123
Travel: $104,245
Supplies, Maintenance, and Office: $383,447
Utilities, Telephone, and Rent: $468,392
Interest Expense: $65,000
Professional Costs and Contracts: $422,627
Services and Assistance: $5,111,169
Depreciation: $694,000
Construction and Equipment: $509,749
Other: $1,686,120
Total Expenses: $19,077,535
Net Surplus: $491,777